Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Where did summer go?

A lot happens in a month I guess. Crazy, but it has been amazing. Since my last blog post lots have happened:

Most importantly, Hannah is my girlfriend now. Tomorrow, marks two months together and I have never been happier. The 7 week break starts next week and that will be the first time I haven't seen her everyday since May 17th. Its gonna suck bad, but it'll be good too. Give this long distance thing a try. haha. Wish me luck.

Work has really picked up. We have gained new clients and cut ties with a few as well. It has been very beneficial for me to see all aspects of the business world. I am learning a lot and gaining respect for those around me that do what they do. Life at The Dealio is great.

Some events from the last month-ish.

Went to Bear Lake with Hannah, TK, Rach, Jess, Amy, Sammie, Syd, Jordan, Preston and Mckenna. TK has a sweet cabin there that we all stayed at. Got raspberry shakes, went to the Pickleville Playhouse and 4 wheeled. It was a fun, relaxing weekend.

I was suppose to go to San Fran with Jess at the end of June, but the flights were way delayed so we were able to move the flights to august. I stayed that weekend and was able to be with Hannah. We went to the Driggs Firework show.

4th of July was so dope. We went to the Rexburg Parade in the morning. Hannah and I snuck into the parade on my scoot scoot. After that we went and floated the drybed in Rigby, it is always a fun float. Then we went down to IF to watch the Firework Show down there. It is huge and so much fun. I love being with the people I care about during events like that. It was fun to share with friends.

Been doing a lot of events for work so that keeps us pretty busy. We launched which is a search engine for finding housing in Rexburg. It is going to be awesome.

Oh and Rexburg just had a crazy Flash Flood last night. 45 minutes of crazy down pour let to street closures, flooding everywhere and a pretty hectic morning today. Our office basement flooded. Nothing was damaged. We are very fortunate, others were not so lucky. But people will pull through. If anything, it helps me appreciate where we live. Think about the damage done by tsunamis or hurricanes. We are very fortunate.

But needless to say, life is really good. I am really happy. I forgot what it felt like to feel this happy with everything going so good in my life right now. I am very blessed and appreciative of my Heavenly Father and His role in my life being the way that it is.

Life's Good!


here are some pics:

bear lake with Hanny

4th of july crew

driggs fireworks

driggs fireworks

dolphin tattoo

Sammie and I

Raspberry Shakes for days


bear lake

Bridge Jumping in my powerranger suit

Chukars game

Chukars game

Hannahs Bday

4th of July

Color Run. Me and Austin snuck in

Websters Dam

Me and Chan. sock twins.

Snuck into Parade

Rexburg Apartment

Bears and Lakes

Paddleboarding during the Flood

Love this girl.

Right before she fell in.

1 comment:

  1. This is great Curt. Looks like you are having a great time. We need to chill next time I'm home dude. It's been way too long.
